September 1890

Sophia Huchting was born in San Marcos, CA (San Diego County), one of 10 children.

May 1912

Sophie graduated from college with a degree in home economics (California Polytechnical University), one of eight women in a class of 25. She paid her way through school with the money she earned feeding the farm workers.


Sophie and Harry got married. Sophie took her husband’s surname. As fate would have it, she would be the one to turn it into a household name.


Mrs. Cubbison expanded her product line to include bran crackers, whole-wheat flax seed and unsweetened graham crackers.


The Cubbisons sold their bread business and launched "Mrs. Cubbison's Melba Toast and Zwieback." Next door to the bakery, they opened "Cubbison's Health Food Store."


The Mayo Brothers Clinic introduced a headline-making, 18-day diet for actress Ethel Barrymore, and it gained popularity across the nation. The diet, which encouraged the regular use of Melba toast, brought the Cubbisons so much business that they had to operate three plants day and night to keep up with the demand.


Cubbison's Soyfee (Coffee Substitute) was introduced.


Mrs. Cubbison took her products to Walter Ralphs and Charles Von der Ahe, and Ralphs and Vons grocery stores became the company's first big clients.


Mrs. Cubbison began selling the Hollywood Cup, a caffeine-free coffee replacement made with California barley, figs and bran.

March 1955

Mrs. Cubbison had 14 delivery trucks that distributed her products. Her trucks also distributed Rold Gold pretzels, to help keep her delivery costs down.


After years of success selling stuffing mix, the company decided to expand its line of products. Mrs. Cubbison's Croutons were introduced in 7 flavors.


Mrs. Cubbison's Restaurant Style Croutons were launched. These croutons were larger than the original croutons, adding more flavor to every bite.


Sophie grew up on a lima bean farm, and by the age of sixteen, she was cooking for her father, brothers and more than 40 farm laborers. She cooked and baked 5 meals a day out of 2 horse-drawn mobile kitchens. Her father, who had come to the US from Germany, taught Sophie his mother's recipe for 100% whole wheat bread.


Sophie met Harry G. Cubbison.


Sophie and Harry took out a $300 loan to open their first health food bakery with a mill to grind their own 100% whole-wheat flour. Sophie baked bread 3 days a week and spent another 3 days a week giving product demonstrations in local delicatessens and markets.


Mrs. Cubbison was one of the first to make soy products, and by 1924, she was a leading seller.


The company changed its name to the Cubbison's Melba Toast and Cracker Co.

May 1942

Cubbison's Soyettes (Crackers) were introduced.


Sophie used broken pieces of her popular Melba Toast and added seasonings to make stuffing. This recipe was launched as a commercial turkey stuffing called Toasted Dressing. She also introduced Corn Bread Stuffin’.

November 26, 1948

Mrs. Cubbison's Foods was founded.

November 6, 1952

A print and in-store campaign launched for Cubbison's Prepared Dressing.

January 1955

Cubbison's began selling 100% Whole Wheat Soya Cookies.

December 1955

After retiring, Sophie spent many years traveling the world, but remained a consultant to the Mrs. Cubbison's company. She always came back to the US each autumn to check on her stuffing product in stores.

November 23, 1982

This was a sad day. Sophie Cubbison passed away at the age of 92.